Create your first enogastro dinner
01 января 2024 года
from the founder of the online wine school SOMM
Forget about hangovers and swelling once and for all
Learn to understand wine to enjoy it even more

Wine intensive

Новогодний адвент-календарь в подарок!


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салон с вашей легкой руки)
Начнете путешествовать по-новому (Осторожно, посещение виноделен вызывает зависимость!)
Найдете новую кнопку удовольствия и радости, доступную практически всегда

After the intensive course you

  • Learn to choose decent wine in supermarkets and restaurants without putting a hole in your budget
  • You will find that "dry, non-sour" one and and maximally enjoy it
  • Learn to easily match wine with any dish and choose proper wine for any occasion, and you will be able to organize real gastronomic parties! You will make your first gastro
    dinner right at the intensive course
  • You’ll choose a wine that won’t give you a headache, and you’ll be able to do yoga in the morning. Forget about hangovers and swelling!
  • You will no longer drink the same wine because with each glass a whole new world will open up for you!
  • You will forget about semi-sweet and help your loved ones with quitting it, understanding all the causes and consequences
  • You will become a star among your colleagues and friends — a bottle lead is always needed!
  • Your partner will look at you in different way, you will get a new favorite pastime: from visits to tasting sessions up to winery trips
19 900 ₽
14 уроков в записи
Дополнительные материалы
Доступ к записям на 1 месяц
Доступ к специальным предложениям школы

22 000 ₽
249 $
15 lessons recorded
TOP-20 wines with which to start your wine journey’ guide
Access to recordings for 1 month
Access to special school offers

Pricing and options for participation
Masterclass on how to taste wine correctly
Preparation of your first enogastronomic dinner
If you want to pay with a card of foreign bank,
please contact us and we will help you!
You want to learn how to choose wine so that it’s delicious and doesn’t give you a headache in the morning
You understand that it’s time to step back from drinking semi-sweet wines, but dry wines seem dry and tasteless to you
You get lost between the wine shelves, and don’t understand which wine is best to order in restaurants
You are going to have an important event soon, choose wine that is delicious, full of fun and won’t hit your pocket
You know that wine is trendy, but you drink the same thing
You dream of romantic dinners like in the movies
This intensive is for you
Types of wines and their classification
In this lesson you will learn about wine classification criteria, differences between types of wine, the process of wine production
Wine glasses crash course
Making glasses for wine is the whole art. More than one generation of masters wrestle with creating the best shape that can fully reveal a bouquet of wine. In this lesson, we’ll talk about what glasses you should buy for your personal collection
Peculiarities of red wine production
This lesson is about the intricacies of red wine production. How does wine get its deep red color if absolutely all the grapes are white on the inside?
Peculiarities of white wine production
You will learn all the technological features of white wine production
Peculiarities of sparkling wine production
Production of sparkling wines is a very complex technological process. You will learn the theoretical background and key terms that are important for every person to know
Russian wines
Russia has good wine, interesting winemakers and strong manufactures. On how to find them you will learn from this lesson. And here you will find a selection of the best Russian wines and wineries!
3 organoleptic levels
In this lesson you will learn everything on how to understand and experience wine using your sensory organs - eyes, nose, mouth
How and why we feel it all
Wine tasting is not just a pleasant pastime but also a good brain training. From this lesson you will learn why we taste fruit, berries and chocolate in wine, and how it relates to the brain
Way of the Warrior
How does our taste change and develop? Why does some Crémant ed Di seem like a strange soda to you, and most importantly, what to do with it – all of this you will learn from this lesson
Reading the label
Things that label can tell you, features of Old and New World wine labels, hints and tips to decipher labels — in here you will find everything you need to know to choose wine in any supermarket or wine cellar!
Newbie mistakes
What mistakes do beginning winoholics make and how to avoid them?
5 lifehacks for ordering wine in restaurants
What to look for when ordering wine in a restaurant and how to read the bar list - learn it from this lesson!
How to choose wine in a supermarket
In this lesson, you'll learn what to look for when buying wine at the supermarket, and how to choose the best options in terms of price and quality!
Masterclass on how to correctly taste wine
You will learn everything about how to taste wine properly in order to enjoy the whole process at most, as well as lifehacks that will teach you how to easily "skim off the aroma of wine"
Red for meat, white for fish? These pairs are already outdated! How to pair wine with food? Basic pairing rules that, once mastered, will help you to create your first enogastronomic dinner!
A selection of TOP 20 wines with which to start your journey
We're done with the theory; it's time to move to practice! In this lesson, you will find a list of 20 wines and recommendations on how to start tasting yourself so that you learn to find more and more aromas, and wine begins to sparkle for you like a pearl in the sun!
Intensive program
Study wherever you’re comfortable
Watch the lessons at your own pace!
Format - online!
First we need to make quality still wine
author of the course
Wine expert since 2013, wine lover since the age of 17

Ulyana Rudzevich

Hosted more than 300 tasting events
Founder of the online wine school SOMM
Taught 2500+ people to understand wine
Wine fanatic, understands all the nuances of wine making and tasting
Drinking at random can easily lead you to the hospital, but drinking quality beverages is an easy way to live happily for a hundred years!
Stop throwing money for wine that brings disappointment. Have you ever had that? It's okay if it is a glass in a restaurant, but what if it's a couple of cases at your birthday party?
Wine is probably the most romantic topic of conversation. Girls melt over erudite men on dates, and husbands will again flare up with an interest at home from the phrase “let’s taste Barolo today.”
You move to a different cultural level smoothly and imperceptibly. There people talk about literature and history, appreciate aesthetics and beauty. And you can get there simply by discovering wine.
Зачем вам разбираться
в вине?
Самое важное и неочевидное:
начав погружаться в вино, вы мягко
и незаметно переходите на другой культурный уровень. Там говорят
о литературе и истории, там люди ценят эстетику и красоту.
И туда можно попасть, просто
открыв для себя вино
Перестать сливать деньги на вино, которое приносит разочарование. Было? Хорошо, если это бокал
в ресторане, а если пара ящиков
на вашем дне рождения?
Why do you need to understand wine?

reviews from SOOM Wine School students

How does wine change lives?
Hello friends! I can't help but share the news – I won at aromacasino today! And this despite the fact that before wine school I didn't pay any attention to aromas and didn't identify them. I guessed linden, apricot and caramel - I'm proud of myself)
Inna School
Hello everyone from the Color of the Vine festival in the Krasnodar region. Finally, I can taste not only as ‘tasty/not tasty’, and I have something to talk about with the winemakers!
Ulyana and Evgeniya, thank you for me enjoying myself
Ulyana, I am incredibly grateful for the knowledge, and I’ll say more - I decided to radically change my field of activity) I’ve worked in the furniture business for almost 20 years, and now l want to plunge headlong into the world of wine, I’d start with Cavista for now, and in the future I have a dream of opening a wine shop with a cozy bar area, with a fireplace where I will host tastings)))
Ulyana, listening to you is incredible pleasure. I had a hard time starting to study, I didn’t immediately understand how the things go, but everything went as you said – sheer
delight and a lot of joy. My family thinks I went nuts a bit. But recognition and understanding the difference are only known in comparison. Everything is just great.
I like the system of presenting information, and if we talk about this study as a methodology, then it’s top-notch. I’ve learned a lot during my lifetime u know...Now I really wish to change my profession
I celebrated Rose Day at Chateau de Talus. This winery is of a Bordeaux style. During the tasting event I felt on an equal footing with the sommelier and confidently discusses wines with him. What an incredible delight! Thanks to Ulyana and Wine school)
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